Well today was the first pre season game. And guess who was not there. Yep T O and why is that? because he does not like being not the number one guy. The fool signed a contract and now wants more than what is on the contract. On top of that he tried to force there hand and used us the fans and media in his attemts and now it is back firing on him. I don't know what a team would want him after this. this is the second time he has pulled stunts and with the team and fans. All he is doing his hurting himself. And to think that kids were looking up to him. Yes he is a good player but at the same time he is not a good team mate. Well not unless he is the one getting all the attention and all he wants. You can not run a team or anything like that. T O is all about him and the world does not work that way.
He needs to get real and wake up or better yet Grow the heck up!
T O wake up and smell reality!!!!
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